Thursday, February 12, 2015 what God can do!

Ok, I think you're noticing a pattern here...This is another post where I'm going to brag about how much you have accomplished in such a short amount of time - how big you are growing and obviously how cute you are!!!

Each day you continue to amaze me Joshua!  In the past two weeks you have gone from walking a few steps here and there to walking across the room, or walking WHILE holding and drinking your bottle!

I may have said this before, but each time I express concern to a doctor, a therapist, a fellow NICU mom, or your see it as a challenge.  And you are always up for a challenge!!!
Me - "He doesn't take steps yet" are walking across rooms!
Me - "He wouldn't even think to bring a blanket up to his head to play peek-a-boo"...boom...the next day you play peekaboo with us with no coaxing whatsoever!
Me - "He only says "uh-oh" and now he doesn't even really say that anymore" begin mimicking sounds that I think sounds like "ah-EH" (all done)  "gah-kah" (cracker) "nah-nah" (night-night).
Me - "He refuses to sign, gets mad and pulls his hands apart, I've given up" sign "more" to dad at dinner.

These type of milestones have been pretty consistent since you came home.  When I express doubt or discouragement with ANYTHING...sitting up, eating, chewing, gross motor, fine motor, take it as a challenge and I'm amazed when you seem to show me, "Hey mom, I'm tough!  I'm doing this in my own time, but have faith in me!"

Last week I had this realization that yes, Joshua is showing me what amazing things he can do when the odds are against him, but wait a isn't just is GOD!  God has had his hand on Joshua from the very, very beginning.  So isn't it God who is at the last second saying, "Sarah, have faith.  Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, I, the Lord your God will be with Joshua wherever he goes!  It is Me that is allowing Joshua to hit these milestones at just the right time.  Do not doubt Me or My plan.  I am in control and it is Me who gives your son strength to accomplish what seems impossible!  Don't praise Joshua without praising Me first!"