Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Old Man

Here are the top ELEVEN ways you are like an old man:

11.  You have a HUGE potbelly!  Just like an old man (and each one of our kids) you look like you are 10 months pregnant.
10.  You like to rub your big belly.  After bath time or sometimes when you are getting your diaper changed you rub your hand across your belly.  It is usually when you are naked, but not always.
9.  Your teeth are yellow.  It is sad, but it is true that all of the antibiotics you were on and all of the TPN (IV food) you were on made your teeth stained yellow.  This medicine and food kept you alive though, so even though your teeth look rotten, I'd rather have yellow teeth and a baby to hug and hold than the alternative.  
8.  You have yucky yellow toenails.  The pediatrician said it is not fungus; it is not a deficiency; it is most likely the effects of TPN and your poor nutrition during your early stages.  Similar to why your teeth are yellow.
7.  You like to sleep.  You still take two naps.  Usually from 10-12:30 and then from 3-4:30.
6.  You like to talk to yourself.  We often find you playing in a corner at the play kitchen babbling to yourself.  Or we will find you in the corner by the front door playing with the magnets and babbling to yourself.  There is probably too much commotion around to do this babbling with all the other kids around so you just talk to yourself.  You have started to have a babbling conversation with us though.  If we ask you a question you may babble back an answer to us.  It is very cute!
5.  You like Oldies?...your babbling sounds just like the Hawaiian words, "Mele Kalikimaka" sung by Bing Crosby.  It is so funny how much your babbling reminds us of that song!  Apparently you've been listening to oldies!  
4.  You are forgetful.  You learn a word or a skill and then forget it!  Your first word "uh-oh" that you learned back about 4 months ago you have forgotten!  You don't say it anymore.  The same happened with climbing the stairs (although you have remembered how to do this again) and it happened with "all done" or "ahhh-EHHH" as you used to say, but now have forgotten.
3.   You use a walker...well, not really anymore!  You are walking about 75% of the time now!  You're amazing!  You still occasionally like to push a laundry basket or a popcorn tin around as you walk!
2.  You are bald...BUT, if you look closely, you have been growing a lot of hair lately!  After a fresh bath the fuzz on your head is so soft and fluffy!  But most days, you just look bald!  However, around the nape of your neck your hair is beginning to grow long!  There are some hairs that are 2-3 inches long!  This makes you look like a bald old man who only has a little bit of hair left!  I think we may be giving you your first haircut sooner rather than later to deal with this issue!

And the #1 reason you remind us of an old man is........
You have learned to carefully adjust your glasses when they get cockeyed.  It is THE MOST ADORABLE thing about you right now!!!  Mommy and Daddy will actually make your glasses crooked in order to watch you adjust them.  You do it so gently and cautiously!   Did I mention how adorable this is!?!?!

Monday, March 2, 2015

18 Months!

We had your 18 month appointment today and you were 20 lb 10.5 oz.  This is the 10th percentile for weight for an 18 month old!  and the 25th percentile for a 14 month old!  This is a HUGE jump onto the charts!!!  Dr. Brown was very pleased and said you were getting chubby!  Your growth chart for your length wasn't quite as big of a jump, but you are still making progress.  30 inches which is the 2nd percentile for an 18 month old and 15% for a 14 month old corrected.

He also put in for a audiology check-up to follow-up on your hearing because lots of NICU babies have high frequency hearing loss from all of the machines and medicine.  He also suggested we start speech therapy because the only communication you are giving us at the moment is signing "more."  You seem to have forgotten all of the other words that we thought you had learned.  It has definitely been on my radar, but I'm not too worried about it yet.  We compromised to wait till you are 20 months old and see if there is any progress because I don't want to add speech therapy on to the other appointments and commitments we have right now.

You have 10 teeth!  Your molars on the top are in.  The bottom molars are bulging but haven't broken through.

Your favorite toys are the Fisher Price car ramp - you love to put the cars down the ramp over and over and over again.  Another favorite are the Sassy baby beads from the BPD clinic.  You love to empty the bucket and fill it again and again.  They are vanilla scented which makes it an extra fun toy.  You also like to close all the animals on the Playskool pop up toy.

Cute things about like to clap for yourself.  You love to play chase or hide and seek peekaboo with your siblings.  You can almost do a pull up on the table or the tv stand.  You are very strong!  One day David was sitting on the bench at the table you pushed the bench WHILE he was still sitting on it.  It was at least 40 lbs!