Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Clinic Visit

It would figure that the day I have to take you out for your first clinic visit it snowed.  It not only was probably the worst snow of the year.  About 6 inches with ice on top.  Schools were closed and our neighborhood was not plowed.  Thankfully our appointment was at 1pm so at least the roads had been driven on and the main roads were decent.  But we have a handicapped placard (that we have since you are on O2)  that I planned on using so we'd get close to the door, except the plow did not do a good job of plowing those spots and our minivan would not have fit due to the huge snow pile that they pushed next to the handicapped spot.  Thankfully there was another close spot and I maneuvered the stroller through the bumpy, snowy parking lot, YUCK, to your appointment.

The appointment lasted 2 hours and we saw a nurse, a neonatologist, a social worker, a physical therapist, a dietitian...was that all?  Overall you did very well and got a pretty good report.  You weighed 4300g or about 9lb 7oz.  Your growth chart has tapered a little in the weight and height, so they are concerned about your calorie and protein intake.  So she changed the formula that your bottles are fortified with to EnfaCare.  Which is good because it isn't as expensive as Alimentum.

They also downloaded the stats on your apnea monitor and said you did have some episodes, but you were good enough that we can unhook that when you are awake and we are with you.  So awesome!  They will look at your O2 needs next visit and see about weaning then.

You are getting bigger and stronger every day!

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