Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This is not a babysitting service!

My rant for the day...

So we have had a visiting nurse come and another woman from a different agency come to our house to check in on Joshua.  Both women, the first thing out of their mouths was..."Are you babysitting? or... are they ALL yours?"

REALLY!?!?  Last time I checked "normal" people still had four kids.  Once you get to 5, maybe you are stereotyped as a little crazy, but four is still relatively common and normal.  Four can still fit comfortably in a minivan.  And for the record, my kids were actually really well-behaved and calm when the visitors were here.  The kids have been instructed how to behave for the many visits and phone calls in regard to Joshua and they have been doing pretty well considering their ages!  But really ladies, you are allowed to think those thoughts, but please think twice before you verbalize them.  This stay at home mom works quite hard and sacrifices a lot for her family to make it work on one income and stay sane staying 24/7 at home with 4 kids under 7...and after staying 149 days with one child in the NICU!  Oh and... not all micro-preemie moms are first-time parents!  Yes, the other three were full-term and no, the doctors have no idea why my water broke so early.  Sometimes things just happen that are out of our control!

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