Friday, January 24, 2014

Welcome Home Party!!!

You had your first pediatrician appointment today!  9lb 2oz.  We're glad you gained a little weight!  Mommy took you...definitely felt like a first time mom again with all the equipment!

Shortly after we got home Abby, David, and Jeremiah came home!  They had been at Grandma & Grandpa Weide's since Sunday.  Grandma dropped everyone off and gave us a little time to visit just the six of us for the first time!  Abby got to hold you and the boys were crowded around drinking in your cuteness!  Abby loves to tell us how cute you are and how much she loves you.  Jeremiah got out a dump truck to show you.  I think he really wanted to play with you.  David held you next.  He was so excited that you were home from the hospital and he seemed very proud of his big brother status.  He gazed at you and would look up and smile and say how much he loves you!  We asked Jeremiah if he wanted to hold you and he said, "No, I don't want to...want to play Jake and Nederlan' Piewits."  Apparently his ship was more fun at that moment than you.  Although later on, he came back to the couch to see his new brother again.

After that we had a party to get ready for.  Abby had the sign that she made all by herself with the cricut cutter.  The kids helped blow up some balloons.  Abby put streamers on all of the kitchen chairs.  We had a celebration to get ready for!  As we were working, the doorbell rang.  It was a bunch of balloons from Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Mike and Noelle.  Perfect timing for the party!  The kids found "gifts" to give you too.  Abby looked for some items that she had when she was a baby and wrapped them up to give to you (a quilt, a small stuffed bear, and a lullaby CD)

Grandma came back and joined in our celebration with pizza, Joshua celebrating, presents, and Dairy Queen cake!  Mommy's favorite!  It was just the 6 of us plus Grandma, but it was a fun time.  We took lots of photos :)

Hey mom - I'm happy to be home!

Love you Little Buddy!

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