Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Singing Praise! 149 days!

Well, discharge day did not start as planned because it started two hours later than I had originally intended.  I had set my phone alarm the night before for 6am.  My phone was set on vibrate, but apparently today I was in a super duper sound sleep.  So sound that I not only did not hear the vibrating, I didn't hear it each of the 12+ times that it rang over the course of 2 hours!  My body is exhausted, feeling the effects of five months of sleeplessness.  I'm achy and getting a horrible cold; my body apparently craved sleep more than getting up to get my son.  Joe says he heard each of the buzzing alarms, but decided not to wake me...he has learned from experience that a tired momma is a cranky momma.  Although this day I wish he had taken the risk.  So instead of the morning beginning at 6am, it began at 8am.  Joshua you are sure teaching your mommy and daddy that whenever we make plans, they are sure to be broken!

Tuesday night, I was really still in disbelief that today would be "the day."  Still protecting my heart.  Maybe that's why my nerves didn't wake me up before my alarm.  But once I awoke (and after I called in to check to see if Joshua passed the car seat test...he did!) I finally allowed myself to realize...this is it!  This is THE DAY!  The day we've been waiting for, for 149 days!  My mind flooded with songs of worship.  Songs of praise!  Songs that I had not sung in over a decade came to mind...such as...

From the ends of the earth,
From the depths of the sea,
From the heights of the heavens,
Your name be praised.

From the hearts of the weak,
From the shouts of the strong,
From the lips of all people,
This song we raise, Lord.

Throughout the endless ages
You will be crowned with praises,
Lord most high.
Exalted in ev’ry nation,
Sov’reign of all creation,
Lord most high,
Be magnified.

I had my moment of prayer and praise in my bedroom, sitting on the floor next to my wall filled with photos, footprints, and mementos of Joshua.  The wall that I stared at for 149 days longing to be with my son.  Waiting for him to come home and be HERE!  Really here!

Shortly after, Dr. Richter called saying that everything was still a "go" for discharge on her end, BUT the surgeons needed to get an ultrasound on Joshua's scrotum because they were concerned about bowel down there again?!   Another hernia?!  They were bringing Joshua down to ultrasound right away!

Throughout the endless ages

Oh no!  Had I spoke too soon?!  Is today really not the day?  Joe and I loaded up the car still anticipating discharge today.  Took a little video on the way to the hospital.  As we were approaching C4A for the last time Dr. Richter called again...the ultrasound showed it is not a hernia, it was just a hydrocele; so Joshua is cleared for discharge!  The hydrocele will be monitored by surgery follow-ups.

You will be crowned with praises,

As we approach C4B Room 29 for the last time, we see the sign written on the door that the night nurses had left during Joshua's car seat test.  "After 149 days, I'm finally bustin' out!" it read.

Lord most high.

When we get in the room a whirlwind of people come in and out explaining nutrition, home nurse visits, paperwork to sign, nurses saying goodbye, doctor giving her last thoughts.  Time to take down our 5 months worth of decorations, and bag up 5 months of accumulated items.  In time all is packed up, Joshua is  changed into his going home outfit, photos of Team Rumschlag are taken, we hook Joshua up the oxygen tank and apnea monitor and off we go!  Pulling him behind us like a parade down the hallway!  I wanted people to shout and cheer, I wanted a PA announcement!  High fives all around!  But the NICU is a quiet place!  The nurses who we passed along the way were very excited for us though.

Exalted in ev’ry nation,

So we paraded with one of our primary nurses, Lisa, and another one of our favorites, Nikki, down the hall to say goodbye to Donna the desk clerk who has encouraged me so much throughout this journey with her faith. 

Sov’reign of all creation,

Down the elevators, checking out with the security guard.  Pulling Joshua in the wagon behind me.  Apnea monitor malfunctioning and beeping so loudly!  Taking some last minute photos.  Willing these photos to capture the moment of joy that we feel to help us tell the story of this wonderful day to our children and our children's children. 

Lord most high,

And so we braved the bitter, bitter winter cold and wind.  I pick up the car seat to set it in the car and momentarily forget that this child isn't like my other children.  Wires, tubes, a monitor, an oxygen tank.  I feel like an awkward first time mom even though I've done this three times before.  But this time is different, this time I had to wait 149 days!  This time my son fought for his life.  One hundred forty-nine days!  But we did it!   He did it! The Lord did it!  And so we pulled the car away from NCH and made that trip HOME!

Be magnified.

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