Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

Joshua you pulled through your surgery with flying colors.  Last night they wheeled you back to the room and you were so quiet and content and looking all around.  You were very intrigued with the mirror like warmer above your head that was reflecting all sorts of colors.  Such a change from last time they wheeled you back after the same surgery.  Last time you were vented, limp, and puffy.  Today you were back on the cannula, alert and looking cute!  I really wish I had taken a photo.  It made me so happy to see you that way.

Daddy and I held you shortly after you were settled back in your room and you were allowed to try to eat soon after you got back!  You did great through the night and didn't need any morphine, just some Tylenol!  Daddy and I opted to give you a type of epidural for your surgery instead of narcotics for pain.  I thought it might allow you to be less groggy, have a quicker recovery, and be successful with breathing and eating...sure enough, it worked. 

Thank you Lord, for bringing my son through surgery.  Thank you for guiding Dr. Brewer's hands as he worked slowly to separate all of the scar tissue.  Thank you that he was able to repair both the right and left, direct and indirect, hernias.  Lord we pray that these holes stay closed, that they would not recur again.  Help the incisions to heal well with no complications or infection.    Thank you that Joshua came back breathing on his own on the cannula and thank you for a line-up of our primary nurses to take care of Joshua today and yesterday.   Thank you for this step that gets us closer to home.  Thank you always watching over our son!

Joshua - Seeing you today, acting as if you never had surgery yesterday brings joy to my heart and a smile to my face!  Oh happy day!

AND...Monday the doctor said they are going to take out your NG tube and sink or swim we'll see how well you do!  We'll see if you gain weight.  Is it possible that you may be going home in the next week?!?!

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