Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Don't get my hopes up

The past few days has been full of ups and downs.  Over the weekend you had an awesome day of feeds!  You took 7 full bottles in a row and then two breast feeds.  That was over 24 hours of no milk through your tube!  When I heard the update from the nurse I had to make sure that I heard it correctly!  You did AWESOME!  Where did this come from?!  I was so excited, but knew it wouldn't last forever.  Sure enough later on Sunday you tuckered out and didn't even wake up for a few of your feeds.  So now you are back to averaging less than 50% of your feeds by mouth.

On Monday during rounds the doctor started talking about discharge.  We trialed you off of the oxygen and you lasted only 5 minutes, so you will be going home on oxygen.  I'm okay with that - we figured you would.  The discharge coordinator said she was going to set up an appointment for home health care to come and set up oxygen on Friday.    The attending physician started talking as if you'll be ready for your car seat test and making your way out of here next week!?!  Hold on, wait a second...don't we still have surgery?  Don't we have to have 48 hours worth of feeds with no tube?  I have no idea how we'll be going home next week with that mountain to get over, but Dr. Hansen seems pretty confident you can do it!  We shall see!

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