Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hey! Look what I can do!

In the past week and a half you have hit two milestones...
I held the WHOLE bottle for the first time!
You don't do this every time though!  and....
You found your feet!  Yay for working those abs!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Big sisters are the best!

Abby loves all her brothers, but you are definitely her favorite, Joshua.  Why wouldn't you can't talk back, say no or runaway.  You are a captive audience!  She is a little mommy to you and very helpful to me.  She can comfort you even when I have tried and failed.  Sometimes I wonder if she does a better job with you than me.  When the physical therapist comes to the house she sits down with us and answers there questions right along with me.  "Yes, he does _______, no he doesn't  _________."  Most of the time she is really gentle and handles you very well.  She protects you from your older brothers who like to get a little to crazy or rough around you.  She reminds them to wash their hands before touching you.  She reads with you, plays with you, gives you your wubbanub, works on tracking, sitting, reaching, head control.  She has undivided attention to give you, and me...well I struggle with balancing your needs and everything else.

She got a camera for her birthday and loves taking pictures and videos of are some of them from the past month....I love seeing the moments she captures playing with you!


Abby's idea because we have 4 kids now!

I think David took this one!

That boy loves to chew his cannula!

A Jeremiah sized 5 diaper on Joshua!

Happy Mother's Day!

It is fun because I remember taking pictures of Aunt Hannah with my first camera.  I am about the same age difference from Aunt Hannah as Abby is to you...although Abby has a lot more pictures - digital photography is great!

Friday, May 16, 2014

BPD clinic - 8 months

We went for your monthly BPD clinic visit Thursday morning.  The older 3 went to the kids clubhouse.  It was the first time they had been to NCH since November...weird to think about...brought back many memories.

Anyway, you had a great check-up and I was pleased with the doctor this visit, unlike others.  You were 5.95kg = about 13lb 2oz and you were 24 inches long...twice your birth length!  Your weight still wasn't back on the charts, but you had caught up enough that they weren't as concerned.  The dietician said to keep doing what we are doing with nursing and bottles.  You are taking about half bottles now and half BFing.  Although the BFing is really stressing me out because milk doesn't come out of me like it comes out of the bottle and you don't seem to like it from me anymore.  I'm not sure how to continue...BFing vs pumping vs weaning.  I really want to give you breast milk till your first birthday, but every day feeding you is so stressful!

So the big question was how to wean your oxygen...this doctor wanted to go cold turkey off the O2 again, but I told her we needed a pulse-ox if I was going to try that after what happened in March.  So she agreed to switch the apnea monitor out (yay!) for a pulse-ox and once we get that we will take you off the O2 and monitor you.  I'm a little more confident this time that you will be successful...last time I had a gut feeling you wouldn't be.  We'll see how it goes!  We need to keep your sats above 95% or put you back on the oxygen.  Other topics of discussion were your hernias, hydroceles, and IVH.

I asked to speak with the PT too because I was a little concerned you weren't progressing as well as you should. (plus I love our PT and wanted her to see you again)  After a long discussion we decided we would wait until next month's developmental assessment before we decide if you need more therapy.

So I was playing with you on the floor after we got home and I seriously think you must have heard my discussion with the PT.  I did our normal work with your abs and trying to sit and roll over etc...but this time you actually pulled up and used your muscles!  And you did it with a HUGE smile on your face!  You were like..."Hey mom, I can do this!  I am strong, don't forget that!  I don't need any extra help with the therapists, I just need you!  You are doing a good job, all your work is paying off."  It made me so proud of you to see you applying some resistance and pulling up with your abs and arms.  We have some more work to do, but I think we will impress Kim at your next clinic visit!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Little scooter!

You are 5 months corrected now...and today I turned around when you started whining and found you like this...
Digging your heals in and sliding up on your back!
You started out in the middle of the blanket
under the activity mat!
We are not ready for this!  Time to think about baby proofing the house again!  Hopefully you will get off your O2 at your next appointment because tubes make this a little tricky.  We have to pull you out from under the play mat with those tubes of yours.  Our little scooter!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Rejoicing and Celebrating!

This weekend was a very special weekend for you Joshua!  We had a lot of family coming in to celebrate your NICU baptism which was back on November 18, 2013.  We had a public recognition of your baptism at the church service.  Grandma and Grandpa W came in early, Aunt Hannah too to help get everything ready.

Sunday morning came and we dressed you up in your handsome little Easter outfit and off to church we went.  We asked the pastor if we could personalize the service, so when the time came, the six of us went up to the altar.  Daddy introduced our family and thanked the congregation for all of their prayers.  And told a little bit of your early start to the people who did not know how fragile your life those early months.  We showed one slide of photos from your birth and one slide of photos from your baptism day as Daddy spoke and I held you.  Then Pastor Eric went through the service similar to a dedication but acknowledged your baptism in the NICU, our faith and commitment to raise you in the Lord.  He anointed you with oil and prayed for you.  I walked to the front with your oxygen in tow and gave you to Pastor Eric so he could hold you up and show you off to the congregation a little more.  The congregation gave the Lord a standing ovation, seeing the work He has done in you is truly a miracle!  Several people commented that there was not a dry eye to be seen.

Daddy thanking the congregation and telling your story.

What an exciting day!  but all you wanted to do was
look at that interesting hand of yours!

After the service we had 18 adults and 11 kids at our house for lunch with family.  The food was good, there was plenty to go around (which I was a little worried about) and it did not feel crowded.  We opened some presents and then it was time for round house for people at the church.  An additional 30 people had rsvp'd, so I was a little nervous about 60 people fitting in our house, but the Lord blessed us with decent weather so people could go outside and people came and went and it never felt too crowded to me.

You got passed around to different family members who held you so Mommy and Daddy could visit.  This was a little nerve-wracking to Daddy and me; you have never been around so many people or been held by so many, so we prayed for your health and so far the Lord answered and you've remained healthy.

This has been such a long journey, but the Lord has answered so many prayers.  The Lord sustained your life.  He deserves so much thanks and praise for how far you have come!  We have been waiting over 8 months for this day!  This day to celebrate your life and show you off a little.  The service ended with this song.  A song that really could not have been more appropriate so I stood and sang it to the Lord with tears in my eyes and tightness in my throat.

How Can I Keep From Singing

There is an endless song
Echoes in my soul
I hear the music ring

And though the storms may come
I am holding on
To the rock I cling

How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing

I will lift my eyes
In the darkest night
For I know my Savior lives

And I will walk with You
Knowing You'll see me through
And sing the songs You give

I can sing in the troubled times
Sing when I win
I can sing when I lose my step
And fall down again
I can sing 'cause You pick me up
Sing 'cause You're there
I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord
When I call to You in prayer
I can sing with my last breath
Sing for I know
That I'll sing with the angels
And the saints around the throne