Thursday, May 22, 2014

Big sisters are the best!

Abby loves all her brothers, but you are definitely her favorite, Joshua.  Why wouldn't you can't talk back, say no or runaway.  You are a captive audience!  She is a little mommy to you and very helpful to me.  She can comfort you even when I have tried and failed.  Sometimes I wonder if she does a better job with you than me.  When the physical therapist comes to the house she sits down with us and answers there questions right along with me.  "Yes, he does _______, no he doesn't  _________."  Most of the time she is really gentle and handles you very well.  She protects you from your older brothers who like to get a little to crazy or rough around you.  She reminds them to wash their hands before touching you.  She reads with you, plays with you, gives you your wubbanub, works on tracking, sitting, reaching, head control.  She has undivided attention to give you, and me...well I struggle with balancing your needs and everything else.

She got a camera for her birthday and loves taking pictures and videos of are some of them from the past month....I love seeing the moments she captures playing with you!


Abby's idea because we have 4 kids now!

I think David took this one!

That boy loves to chew his cannula!

A Jeremiah sized 5 diaper on Joshua!

Happy Mother's Day!

It is fun because I remember taking pictures of Aunt Hannah with my first camera.  I am about the same age difference from Aunt Hannah as Abby is to you...although Abby has a lot more pictures - digital photography is great!

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