Thursday, November 27, 2014

Side by Side: Thankful

This year you turned 15 months ON Thanksgiving!  What a day to celebrate!

Last year on Thanksgiving Abby held you for the first time.  Last year Daddy did not see you on Thanksgiving - he stayed home with the boys.  Last year I went to the very, very, quiet hospital with Abby.  It was almost eerie how quiet it was.  No one chooses to go to the hospital on a holiday.  Most staff are home with their families.  Doctors keep shorter hours.  And only family visiting the critically ill choose to come.  We spent the morning with you because I didn't want to miss your first Thanksgiving.  Then, we took a long, painful trip to Lima to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Rumschlags.  It was painful because my heart was you in the hospital and I had not been out of the city limits for over three months.  I didn't feel like I had anything to be thankful for because my family and my heart was torn apart.

But look at you today!  How much bigger and stronger you are!  How much happier you are without all those nurses and doctors poking and prodding you!  Without all of the breathing equipment obstructing your view! Without all of the monitors attached to you!  Without the feeding tube down your throat!  Little boy, this year we have so much to be thankful for!

Getting your first taste of turkey!  You liked it a lot!

Our family!  Silly Jeremiah didn't want to be in the photo!

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