Tuesday, December 2, 2014


You did it!  You said your first word today!  "Uh-Oh" and I cried tears of joy!

It was lunchtime and you had a pouch of pureed food that you were eating/playing with while I was getting other food ready for you.  Then you dropped the pouch on the floor and said it!  You said, "Uh-oh"  Your first word!

You can say sounds like ma-ma, da-da, but they never seem to correlate to anything.  You will repeat sounds back and forth in a "conversation" but never, before today, have you said a sound to connect it to something or someone!  Often, I even wonder if you recognize your own name when I call you. (which is a 7 month milestone)  Which causes me to feel concern.

Earlier today we were at David's five year well check-up and his pediatrician asked how you were doing.  When she asked if you were saying any words I said, "No, he is really lacking in that area.  He doesn't even say uh-oh when he drops something."  HA!  Another time you prove me wrong.  Apparently you were listening in on the appointment from the parking lot.  (Daddy met us at David's appointment and waited out in the van with you, Abby and Jeremiah so I didn't have to bring you into the germy office.)

What a big day for you!  I've said it before and I often wonder when we will see the results of your grade III bilateral hemorrhage in your brain,or the hemorrhage in your cerebellum.  But you just do things in your own time.  I need to learn to be more patient because every time I express my concern  you rise to the challenge and show me there is nothing to worry about!  Thank you Lord!  Thank you that Joshua's brain can connect and communicate with words.  Thank you for those joyful tears!

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