Sunday, December 21, 2014

Squeezing Sophie

Getting you to stay quiet in church is quite a feat these days.  Now that you are more mobile you want to squirm out of our arms and crawl around.  We don't want to put you in the nursery and expose you to all the germs so I try my best to occupy you or we take you out.  Last Sunday was hard because we couldn't even "plug" you with a bottle.  You were still in the transition from breast milk to formula and didn't like the taste of the formula.  During the other times I had to quiet you with toys or Cheerios.  One of the toys I took out was Sophie the giraffe.  Immediately you squeezed her and she let out a big SQUEAK!  I quickly put her away, but smiled!  A milestone!

On Thursday at BPD when the OT and PT were "testing" you they were asking each other, "Did he squeeze that toy?  I think so"...they concluded.  Squeaking a toy, a milestone?!  That is one that I'd never heard of with my termies!  Who would ever videotape a baby's first squeeze?  But with you...every.little.thing is HUGE!  It shows your brain is rerouting itself around all of your damaged brain tissue.  Every little milestone is a huge praise!  Thank you Lord!

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