Saturday, June 7, 2014

Two special visits

Last week you had two visits from some very special people.  On Thursday one of your primary nurses, Suzanne, came to visit.  It had been over a month since she saw you at a BPD appointment.  It was so good to see her and catch her up on all you have been up to.  She got to hold you for the first time with no gown or gloves, to just love you and get smiles out of you and just see how far you have come.  It was a wonderful visit and we talked a little about your stay in the NICU.  She talked about the one day she was working and how your lungs were getting worse and they had to up the ventilator setting to keep your sats up.  One of the NNPs came in to talk with Daddy and me about a new diagnosis that they had found for you, PIE (Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema) but she continued to say that for as many bad diagnoses that you had, they rarely escalated to need the severe interventions.  Joshua, you gave us many, many scares, but the Lord had mercy on you and we are so very grateful!!! 
Forgot to get a new photo of you two when she visited - next time!

Your second visit was from Mommy's friend Tiffany.  She lives 2 hours away, but has visited you more than any (non-grandparent) relative or even more than any of Mommy's friends from Columbus.  She was not afraid to see you in your most sickly state just after you were born.  She cried with Mommy and always checked up to see how you and I were doing during those long hospital days.  Mommy is so grateful for her friendship!  It was so exciting that she got to see you and hold you after all that you have been through!  She was amazed by how active, smiley, and alert you are!  You bounced on her lap and gave her arms a workout.  You are my little miracle and the people who saw you at your worst understand the most just how much the Lord has been with you every step of the way!

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1 comment:

  1. <3 This brought tears to my eyes for sure. I cannot believe how far my sweet littlest buddy has come! Cant wait until we can play again soon. God is so good and seeing Joshua so healthy has been such a blessing to me. <3

