Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Joshua's first 4th of July!  We were invited by a friend from church to join her and her family at their spot along the parade route in Upper Arlington.  It was an absolutely beautiful day which makes of a little for the previous years of rain whenever we head to a July 4th parade.  The older kids sat on the curb with their friend Olivia (who Abby and I will be going to Disney World with in September!!!)  Joshua hung out with Joe in the shade.  Let me tell you those UA people know how to make a 4th of July float!  A tiger, a man on the moon, a train...very impressive!
With their friend Olivia

Snuggling with Dad during the parade

The best float of the parade!  Amazing!
Afterwards we went back to their house for a cookout and fellowship.  Joshua got totally off schedule and slept 15 mintues here and there.  By the end of the day he was a VERY cranky baby, so tired, yet would not fall asleep for anything.  Needless to say I stayed home from the fireworks with Joshua and finally got him to fall asleep while Joe took the kids to the Hilliard display with our new neighbors.  Fun day and might I add that our littlest looked very spiffy in his "tie."

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