Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Where did July go???

Here's a recap of was so busy and we were so preoccupied with many events going on in our lives that July passed by in a whirl!

First off we met with one of Joshua's primary NICU nurses on June 30 (not quite July, I know)  What a great day that was!  I have missed the conversations with the nurse friends that I made while in the NICU.  Even though the road was long and hard and stressful, I got adult conversation every day!  Adult conversation definitely is something that lacks when you are a stay-at-home homeschool mom!  Cari got to see Joshua roll and kick and smile.  He *tried* to move forward.  You could tell he was thinking about it, but no forward motion yet.

We miss you a lot Cari!!!
Other fun photos and happenings from July...
Post dinner snuggles

You are one happy boy!

Cow appreciation day...maybe next year you will participate!

Our first try at mini golfing as a fam!

David got a hole in ONE! 
Mommy and Joshua kept score while the others played!
Abby was her crazy self!

It was a bittersweet day when I returned the breast pump
to the hospital.  So many hours of pain and sacrifice with the
 "ugly yellow baby" (as one lactation consultant in the NICU would call it),
but we still have a lot of milk in the freezer and you have been
breastfeeding a little better since you've been off oxygen.
Matching with Grandpa!

Your sister is your little Mommy.
She watches out for you as your roll around the room.
She loves to pick you up now that Mommy and
Daddy allow her to since you are
bigger and stronger.
Your first official try at baby food - July 23, 2014

You liked your pears and you liked sticking your
tongue out at the spoon.

You finished about 1/3 of a jar

One of your modes of transportation...
dig your heals in, arch your back, and slide up on your head and back.

You still like those tubes even though you
don't have to wear them anymore.

Inching forward army crawl!
You had one amazing week of milestones!  From July 20- July 29 you went from scooting on your back, rolling and rotating - to a few days later inching forward by reaching - to a few days later half rolling and reaching, then half rolling to the other side and reaching - to typical army crawl - to a little froggy army crawl where your legs hop like a frog and you get off the ground!  You go pretty fast with this frog hop thing!  During that week you also got up on your knees and rocked.  You also started babbling "B" and "D" sounds  babababa...dahb, dahb...

Trying to get you to stay still for a "posed" 11 month picture
is DIFFICULT!  Here you are on the move to see the truck!

You are mad because I'm holding your legs to stay still!

off to more exploring!

The second I put you on the couch you are moving to a
"better" position.  And look at that weird thing you do with your
tongue!  You bite it so hard it turns purple!  The PT from HMG was
a little concerned.  I hope it is just a teething thing!
Finally a photo of you sitting upright!!!
(about to dive off the couch!)

A classic, pensive Joshua look - "What are you doing?!"

Finally some cute smiles and you aren't running away!
We used one of the pics from this photo shoot for
your b-day party invite!  How can you be 11 months old?!
Our first family trip as a family of 6 was also in mid-July!  That will be its own post!

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