Thursday, August 28, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Your birthday started as just any other normal day.  

Good Morning Birthday Boy!
I had intentions of taking you to a park to go in a swing for the first time, but you were napping extra often and extra long, so we tried out the swing in the backyard instead.  Since you can't sit too well we propped you with blankets.  You didn't seem too impressed.  I think you liked your indoor swing MUCH better!

This is uncomfortable!  Get me out of here!

Abby did get you to smile...finally!
Your brothers had fun swinging too!

Then that evening we went out for a quick dinner before getting your photos taken at a metro park.  I am so glad we had this done!   From what I have seen so far the photos are great!  I just wish I had given Daddy a haircut!

Afterwards we went out for ice cream.  Daddy let you try some of his mint ice cream and you loved it!  You grabbed the spoon and wanted more!

Back at the house you were too tired for presents so we had to open them the next day.  We'll get to celebrate a lot more this weekend!
Your brother loves you SO much!  Jeremiah loves to
talk to you and sing to you and play with you...I just
have to watch him closely because he gets a little rough!
Abby spread all your presents out so
you had to crawl to get them.
The kids were all in charge of wrapping all your gifts.
They got to help pick them out too.  This one is Jeremiah's gift
of a cooling teething ring.

Look at the big boy trying to sit!

Abby sewed you a texture book all by herself...she was so proud!

Here is what I wrote on Facebook for your birthday...

It is a BIG day to celebrate! My littlest buddy is 1 year old!

Last year at this time my fever was rising and delivery at 24 wks was an impending doom. With so many fears, hurts, unknowns, and griefs we never thought we would make it to this day! But the Lord strengthened Joe and me to persevere and He strengthened Joshua and very slowly Joshua began to heal.

Today Joshua is a SUPER smiley, always on the move (kicking, bouncing, army crawling, rolling) little boy! He claps, he laughs, he babbles baba, dada, mama, he likes to grab and pull at your face. He rocks on his knees, eats baby food, and loves his wubbanub pacifier. Did I mention he is a SUPER happy boy?! I believe he is so happy because God gave him a chance at life. Joshua's happiness helps remind me not to wallow in my sorrows of what could have been or concerns I still have, but be thankful for every smile and snuggle that I am blessed with!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Happy Birthday Joshua! I love you!

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