Monday, August 18, 2014

August crazies!

 Well, now that the decision is over and done with, I will post the reason for all of the June, July and August craziness...We were *this close* to moving to Houston, TX!!!  We were not seeking to move, but Joe had a very exciting opportunity that fell into his lap to transfer within his company.  Through a lot of prayer and desiring to follow the Lord's will for our family we seriously contemplated it, but in the end we chose to stay here in Columbus.  It was a REALLY difficult decision as we clearly felt God nudging us to continue pursuing it every step of the way up until the final decision.

In these August escapades...Joe made a trip down to TX to interview and then later that same week we booked a last minute flight to Houston.  Joe, Joshua, and I flew down to take a look around the areas we could be living!   We are certainly not people who go seeking to uproot and move cross-country to a place we've never been or don't have any connection to!  It was an adventure and opportunity placed in our laps by The Lord.

For our trip we had to get Joshua cleared to fly from the BPD clinic.  We prayed and took extra precautions to keep germs at bay and thankfully he stayed healthy!  I wiped down our seats and trays on the plane with antibacterial wipes and tried to cover him up when he was sleeping.  Joshua did absolutely great on the plane!  Minus the normal squirminess because he wanted to get down and crawl, we really had little issues with him in my lap on the flight.  I nursed him or gave him a bottle on the take-offs just in case he had ear issues, but he seemed fine.  And throughout the hours of car rides, looking at houses, driving through towns, trying to find our way around what could be "daily life" he stayed on a good schedule.  It is a good thing he sleeps easily in the car!

Here are a few pics from Joshua's first flight and the trip.
The first flight I was separated from Dad.
We booked our tickets so last minute so we didn't
have much choice on seats.

2nd flight on the way down - we're all together!

I was welcomed to Houston by my personalized
favorite drink!

Continental breakfast at the hotel!

Little baby in a big bed!

On the way back to Detroit.  This was a direct flight.

The reason we flew back to Detroit was so we could
pick the older 3 kids up in Toledo and eliminate
extra driving.  One plus of doing this was being able to
visit with Joshua's Great Grandma Pud
She was so elated to finally meet him after all the prayers she prayed!

She had tears of joy in her eyes meeting you!

You liked to grab at her cheeks and pinch!  Ouch!

I am coming to peace with this decision and am going to trust that all these crazies were for a reason and that we will hopefully see those reasons why in the days ahead!  And for now Columbus is still the place we will call HOME!

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