Monday, August 18, 2014

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu...

to medical equipment!!!!  Today Apria came to take away all of our oxygen tanks and medical equipment.  It feels a little bittersweet to get that out of the house.  Obviously I am ecstatic that Joshua doesn't need any of it anymore!  He is getting stronger and stronger all the time and overall doing really well!  But I lost my safety blanket.  I always knew that if he got a cold or had respiratory issues we had the O2 to fall back on before we would need to be admitted to the hospital.  Now if we have an issue, he may need to be admitted for a little bit.  In a weird way it is also sad for me to say goodbye to that chapter of his little life, just as it was hard for me to say goodbye to the NICU.

You are getting so big and strong buddy!  I can't believe you will be ONE soon!
Here you are rolling, crawling, and exploring while Abby practices
piano.  You like to play with the pedals too!  Silly boy!

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