Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thinking back to Sept 17, 2013

Last year September 17 was one of the worst days you had in the NICU.  Looking back on your whole NCH journey there were many bad days, but besides the day that you were transferred to NCH it was the most scared I'd ever been for you!

I got in early because our pastor was going to be making a visit that morning.  Your feeds had started up the previous evening and Daddy and I were worried that your belly would not handle Mommy's milk again.  But we had gotten through the night with no 2am phone calls, so walking in to your room I was anticipating hearing the good news that you were tolerating your feeds well.  However, when I said hello to our primary nurse, Lisa, and I asked how you were doing, "Well?... The NNP is next door, I'll have her stop by so she can talk to you."

WHAT?!  What was happening that our nurse couldn't tell me what was going on?  The NNP explained that you had had no urine output for over 8 hours and they thought your kidneys were shutting down.  Multiple tests were being run, abdominal ultrasounds...they also speculated a possible infection or a hormone imbalance.  When the new doctor came in to explain further what was going on, she told me that you would need to have your PDA ligation surgery the next day because things were looking pretty bad.  WHAT?!  Two days prior the previous doctor had said that the surgery would not be for another few weeks.  That was a bad first impression for Dr. R...(who after long, long discussions and confrontations ended up becoming our favorite doctor in the practice.  She was the one who discharged you.)

On Sept 17, 2013 my motherly intuition was telling me that the doctors were wrong that you were just dehydrated.  Praise be! It ended up that I was pretty much right, but the NNP and doctors jump to worst case scenarios because if they don't treat the worst case right away, often times in tiny babies, it is too late.

That day was SO HARD emotionally.  Then add our pastor visiting to the mix of all the commotion, when I had no idea all that was going on with you made visiting difficult.  Daddy left work late morning because of the urgency of your treatment and the concerns we had for your life.  We could not hold you because of all the testing being done.  You needed your rest, but yet there were people constantly poking and prodding, sticking needles, drawing blood, etc.

I was scared we would lose you.  I felt so helpless and sad for you.  I am so thankful that the Lord protected you and brought you through this day.  I love you, little fighter!

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