Thursday, January 22, 2015

No place like home!

I woke up this morning all sentimental, thinking back one year ago when I woke up in utter disbelief and praise that discharge day was finally here!  And today I am praising the Lord again for a year at home with my little boy!  At times the pains of the NICU are so raw it is hard to believe that it has been almost 18 months since this journey began.  Then there are times that I look back in disbelief like it was all a dream.  How could we have done that?  Daily trips to the hospital, walking that medical journey, learning as much medical jargon as to be mistaken for an RN or MD.  But then reality hits when Joshua gets a cold this week and the concerns of his sick lungs are still very real.   Joshua is a gross, snotty, drooling, mucussy mess with a cough that makes me very concerned.  With my other babies there was no real medical concern with having a cold.  It was just a nuisance.  But with Joshua, I am constantly putting my ear to his back listening to his lungs, checking his finger tips or toes, checking his chest for retracting, for signs of respiratory distress.

Thankfully, on this anniversary of his homecoming we are not making a trip back to NCH.  We got to celebrate at home.  Chickfila and a DQ style!

You didn't like the cold icecream...
at least for the first couple bites.

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