Thursday, December 5, 2013


Today we hit 100 days of life!  I hate it that we have been in the hospital so long, but at least when people ask me how Joshua is I can honestly say he's making great progress!  He's had a good day!  Thank you heavenly Father for finally helping us turn a corner.  Thank you for letting us *breathe* the past 5 days!  For progress without instantaneous back-sliding.  For progress that we get to rest in for more than 24 hours!  Thank you Lord!  Thank you for a good eye exam.  Thank you for success on the high-flow cannula.  Thank you that Joshua's belly is tolerating 25% breast milk, 75% alimentum so far.  Thank you for success in sucking, swallowing, breathing!  Thank you!

Yesterday I tried non-nutritive breast-feeding again.  The lactation consultant was right there to keep an eye on Joshua's stats and again he did great!!!  I felt a let down and asked if I needed to stop because he was swallowing and getting more than previous times...nope we'd just pull everything back out.  So Joshua fed for 10+ minutes and got 12mLs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And again Chris the lactation consultant said, "Well we knew you were a tv star, but we didn't know you were going to be a rock star at feeding too!"

1 comment:

  1. An amazing update for an amazing family thanks to our amazing God!! Love you all!!!
