Sunday, April 27, 2014

March for Babies!

It was a great day for a walk.  The morning started a little chilly, but warmed up with the sunshine.  We got to see many of Joshua's NICU friends, but there were also many people we didn't see because it was so crowded!  One of Joshua's doctors was there and she was so happy to see how well he was doing.  We also saw the photographer (a preemie mom) who took our "Welcome Home Joshua" photos.  Thank you to those of you who supported our team!  Team Rumschlag raised over $600 and Team Pizza and Cupcakes raised over $6,200!
Our whole Pizza and Cupcake team!

Go Team Rumschlag!!!

There were over 5,000 people there!

Hill of stars (names in memory/honor of) and posters

We found Joshua's poster along the course!

Yay Team Rumschlag!

All snug and cozy with his wubanub!

One of Joshua's NICU friends

The kids got a little help from Dad
along the 3 mile course.

Lilly and her parents

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Crazy Eyes!

This morning you woke up with some CRAZY bug out eyes!  You have done this before, but this time it lasted a really long time.  It was pretty cute and pretty funny.  You were really intense!  And you were really interested in your hands!  No surprise there!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tummy Time with Jeremiah!

Wednesday nights is Awana night for Abby and David.  Jeremiah has usually gone with them to the nursery to give me a little break, but tonight he has stayed home.  Tonight was a good night spending some quality time with my two youngest. We had some tummy time with Joshua.

Look how high I can lift my head!

Whew!  This is hard work!  Taking a break!

Hmmm... that toy looks fun.  I wish I could reach it!

Talking to my big brother!

I've had enough of this tummy time...rolling over.

I love you Joshua!
It was fun listening to Jeremiah talk to Joshua.  He told Joshua how cute he was and how much he loved him...and just talked about 2 year old boy stuff.  I had to put off the dirty kitchen and mess from dinner to spend this time with my cuties, but I'm always glad when I do.  It is just so, SO difficult!  I know Jeremiah loved the special time with Mommy.  It is pretty rare that he is the center of attention!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A visit from Grandma & Grandpa

Grandpa really liked talking with you!

My parents came in for the day to bring some presents for Abby & Jeremiah who both have birthdays in April and of course to see Joshua and how big he is getting!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

Our day started off by waking up early in order to get 4 kids ready for the 8:15am service.  We really wanted to worship all together on Easter, but did not want to subject you to the crowds and all the germs since your immune system still isn't very strong yet.  So we needed to go early...and we made it!  For the first time since August 11, our family was all together for a worship service!  What a wonderful feeling!  Thankfully you slept through the whole service and we kept the blanket over your seat to "shield" you the whole time. (minus a few peeks from a few who were excited to see you)  One woman had tears of joy seeing you in the service and it made my heart feel so good knowing many prayers that were prayed to get you to this day!

Going to church together was another step back into our "normal" life and boy, it felt so good!  Back at home...we took pictures...lots of pictures, skyped with family, celebrated, and enjoyed the day!

Mommy couldn't resist splurging on some
matchy outfits for this special day!
So excited about two chocolate bars this year!
This is only one of two times a year the poor allergy
boy gets chocolate bars

Felling the grass for the first time

Apparently the NICU desensitized you because you
 didn't seem to mind at all.  All our other three hated grass!

Egg hunt!

Just playing before lunch

Daddy loves to make you laugh

Glancing away from your interesting hands!

We decided to put no limits on sugar intake this year.
Abby had self control and even brushed her teeth an extra time.
David kept saying, "I'm out" and excusing himself to go get candy...
he ate ALL his jelly beans and there were a lot.
Jeremiah was somewhere in-between.
He kept saying he was "saving candy for Saturday."

Hard at work, learning to cast-on.
She got knitting needles & yarn in her basket this year.
Mommy and Abby will be learning together.

Just hanging out.

Happy Easter everyone!

First time you are playing with Sophie

Playing outside after dinner

Having fun with Mom.

Overall it was a great day!  Gorgeous weather!  Low 70's, with beautiful blue skies and sunny.  No melt-downs (from Mommy or kids), no sugar-high crazies, few arguments...and lots of good family time celebrating our Savior!  Happy Easter!