Thursday, April 17, 2014

One CRAZY night!

Last night we woke up to LOUD alarms a little after 1:30am.  It was Joshua's oxygen concentrator beeping because the power went out.  Very weird because there were no storms (turns out there was a car accident nearby and almost 5,000 people in Columbus were without power!)  We have never heard this concentrator alarm before, so once we figured out what was going on, Joe stumbled down stairs to get an oxygen tank and hook Joshua up.  I called AEP and reported the outage, then tried to go back to sleep.  It took a while for me to go back to sleep because at first I was trying to calculate in my head the number of hours of oxygen we had left in the tanks. (Most of the tanks are empty at the moment)  Then, all I could think about were the gallons and gallons of milk in my freezers that better not thaw!!! 

About an hour later we both woke up to more alarms!  Ugh!  So we check all of Joshua's monitors and machines again...nothing.  We begin to wonder if it is the smoke alarm.  So we change the battery by flashlight.  Nope that's not it...but changing the battery caused all the smoke alarms in the house to start beeping to synchronize.  This woke Abby up, and she told the boys to get up because they needed to get out of the house because there was a fire and they needed to get to the neighbor's driveway.  We heard the commotion in their room and told them it was just a false alarm to get back to bed.  What a cute. smart little girl.  She learned some good things at Safety town.  It turns out that the 2nd alarm was the carbon monoxide detector.  What a night! 

And Joshua slept through it all!!!
Thankfully the power came back on sometime before morning!

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