Sunday, April 27, 2014

March for Babies!

It was a great day for a walk.  The morning started a little chilly, but warmed up with the sunshine.  We got to see many of Joshua's NICU friends, but there were also many people we didn't see because it was so crowded!  One of Joshua's doctors was there and she was so happy to see how well he was doing.  We also saw the photographer (a preemie mom) who took our "Welcome Home Joshua" photos.  Thank you to those of you who supported our team!  Team Rumschlag raised over $600 and Team Pizza and Cupcakes raised over $6,200!
Our whole Pizza and Cupcake team!

Go Team Rumschlag!!!

There were over 5,000 people there!

Hill of stars (names in memory/honor of) and posters

We found Joshua's poster along the course!

Yay Team Rumschlag!

All snug and cozy with his wubanub!

One of Joshua's NICU friends

The kids got a little help from Dad
along the 3 mile course.

Lilly and her parents

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