Thursday, April 17, 2014


Well, you turned "4 months" last week on the 12th.  You have been getting to be a very difficult baby and more and more needy as time goes on.  You once had no lung power to get a cry out.  When you came home you grunted and whimpered, now you have perfected your cry and it is more powerful and you get upset a lot and we often have no idea what is bothering you.  It makes Mommy and Daddy quite frustrated when we cannot figure out what you need in order to console you.  Often you just seem tired, but cannot soothe yourself and cry uncontrollably.  You have definitely become our most fussy baby.

Some days Abby can console you better than mom or dad.  You sure love your sister and the one on one attention she gives you!

You have hit some milestones in the past month...laughing, rolling from tummy to back, rolling from your back to your side, cooing, pulling toys to your mouth...

Today you hit a milestone that I never even noticed with my other three.  You transferred a toy from one hand to another!  That was a milestone I always saw in the baby books and chuckled to myself at. I never jotted down a day or looked for this milestone with your siblings because it is minor and really, pretty much every human being can do this milestone.  It seemed hardly noticeable and no big deal...but well, you are different.  And with you I noticed.  We celebrate every milestone with you.  With your severe brain bleeding and fluid in your brain we never take those milestones for granted!

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