Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Our first big outing!

Well, we did it!  Our first big outing - just Mom and the kiddos!  I took all 4 kids to the zoo!!!  The weather was finally spring-like in the upper 60's and it was sunny and warm, but pretty breezy.  It was as good a day as any come out of our viral season hibernation!  We went with some friends from Springfield and also ran into several other friends who were enjoying the warm weather too!  It took a while to get the car unpacked and the stroller situated with all of Joshua's extra medical equipment and baby gear, but we saved some time with our handicapped hang-tag (because of Joshua's oxygen) so we could park front and center.

Joshua did great most of the trip.  He stayed covered in his car seat under the canopy of the stroller.  But when I took him out at lunch to feed him I realized that he has spent the first 7 months of his life out of direct sunlight.  Even going to doctors appointments we covered his car seat with a blanket to shield him from the cold...and this winter has been very cold and grey.  So this was the first time he saw the sun and he did not like it!  (or maybe it reminded him of not-so-fun procedures under bright lights in the NICU) Anyway, the sun coupled with the wind did not made for an easy feeding time, but I got him back in the shade quickly.  Hopefully this spring weather will stay soon so we can show Joshua more of the bright, beautiful outdoors!  One of the best parts of today...4 of us came back with rosy, sun-kissed cheeks.  Oh how I missed this!  Haven't had that since early August!

The older 3 thanked me many times for taking them out.  It is really a novelty to leave our house on a weekday these days!  They had a great time!

Planning out our trip as we wait for our friends

We made it!  All 5 of us!

I opened up the canopy to sneek a pic of our cutie

Joshua's first big outing!!! 

A great day!

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