Thursday, November 7, 2013

First field trip

We took your first "field trip" to the new part of the hospital today to get a do NOT have urinary reflux!  Thankfully many of our favorite people were here to help with the transport.  Cari our nurse, Jess the RT, Autumn the NNP, Dr. Isbel, and I all took the trip with you.  They let me be in with you during the procedure where they injected dye into your bladder to check for reflux.  I held your hands and kept you paci in your mouth.  Good news that you don't have reflux, but now we need you to stop getting UTI's!!!

Yesterday you endured a 2.5 hour PICC line placement failure - thankfully they got the PICC placed successfully today after only the 2nd try.  It is in your skull though  :(  They had to shave part of your head so you had to have your first haircut already at 35weeks old.  During the PICC line x-ray they discovered you have a broken arm.  The break is just above your elbow on your left arm.  My heart is so sad for all you have had to endure in your short little life.  Plus yesterday after your eye exam they told us you have ROP Level 2 stage 2.  Right now that does not require treatment, but they will continue monitoring.  When will it end?  

Your new PICC line.  I hope you can get back on
milk feeds soon and kick all these IV's again!
You have 2 peripheral IVs too
I hope to do a lot of kangarooing before your surgery tomorrow.  I need some cuddles and snuggles before they take you in.  Praying this won't take you back too many steps respiratory wise since you'll have to be back on the vent for surgery. 

Such cute shirt made by my friend Jen
Looking so adorable in his giraffe shirt
sleeping in his giraffe bed

You were so upset today - squirmy and crying -
probably from all the poking and prodding
or maybe your arm was bothering you. 
I wanted to pick you up and comfort you so badly,
but I can't do that with all of the things attached to you. 
Finally with the nurse's help I got you out to
 kangaroo and you quickly snuggled in and were so content. 
It felt SO good to be able to comfort you.

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