Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Gassy Belly @ 3am - lots of medical jargon

We are riding the roller coaster again Joshua and I don't like it.  Despite your UTI you had been doing really well.  You just can't kick the e-coli causing the infection so they had to extend the antibiotics. 
- bilirubin level was slightly decreased (down 9 from 10)
- IVH - slightly decreased size of ventricles on your last brain ultrasound!!!!
- lowered rate on the Sipap machine to 10bpm. 
-  O2 is the same - 34% even with the lowered rate!
You are doing such a good job and working so hard to keep breathing.  They had talked about moving you down to C-pap, but after last night that won't happen for a little while longer. 

Mommy and Daddy got a call in the middle of the night from the NNP.  She said your belly girth grew 2cm from your last care.  After an x-ray they are really concerned about the air in your belly.  They stopped your feeds, changed out your feeding tube to a larger OG tube so they can try to suck out the air.  They are culturing your blood to see if the E-coli or something else got into your blood.  They said you were really lethargic and weren't even disturbed when they pricked your heal to get the blood. 

You took so many steps backward during the day today...
-radiant warmer, no more crib
-naked again, no clothes
-TPN and lipids, no breast milk
-IV's and tomorrow a PICC line :(
- another blood transfusion
-ultrasound on your scrotum (hernia)
- urine and blood cultures
- Up on your oxygen
- Up on your rate back to 30 from 10
Your big belly is reducing your lung capacity and effecting your breathing significantly.

If there is no infection then they will take you downstairs for a VCUG (urinary reflux test), a barium enima? and an upper GI?(to check how things move through your bowels)  They think something there is a stricture (scar tissue restricting your bowels) from your original perforation which could require surgery to fix. 

All of these tests require a great deal of patience because it could be days before we know what is wrong with your belly and why all of a sudden you started doing badly.  I'm at the end of my patience.  I just hope we don't get anymore middle of the night calls!  At least by the end of the evening you were moving around and acting more like your normal self.  That seemed to please the nurses and NNP and Mommy too!

Your new bed

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