Friday, November 8, 2013

Surgery #3

Today was surgery #3 (and 4)  Daddy counts this surgery as two since it was two incisions and two hernia repairs.  Despite the frustration of being an "add on" surgery and not knowing the time of the surgery I still got to hold you two hours before we had to prep you for your trip to the OR.  They OR called about half an hour before you had to go down.  The team of anesthesiologists, surgeons, and nurses came up to transport you down.  Mommy and Daddy got to walk down with you too.  They wheeled down your warmer, IV poles, oxygen tank, and si-pap machine.  Daddy waited in the waiting room and spoke with the surgeon afterwards.  Mommy did what she does every spare second of the day...pump milk for you even when you aren't even eating it!  Very frustrating!  They brought you back up to your room afterwards on the ventilator.  It was good to see your face, but sad to see you back on the vent.  Praying you can recover quickly and get back to where you were.  You were making such great strides before this setback!
Kangarooing before your surgery

Wheeling you down

Recovering back in your room
When you came back from your surgery, mommy and daddy actually (jokingly) did a double check to make sure we had the right baby.  You looked so different, so big, all unswaddled, swollen and relaxed.  It did not look like you, but we checked for your PDA scar, your drain scar, your dimple in your chin, your picc line, your hemangioma on your belly...yup we got the right baby :)

Mommy sitting by your side
holding your poor baby

Yay you opened your eyes!

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