Sunday, November 17, 2013

Good Vibrations!

With your infection in your trachea you are having A LOT of congestion and secretions!  The nurses have to suction you out once every hour or so.  They've started doing vibratory therapy on you to try to loosen some of the congestion and get it out of your lungs.  Yesterday you needed a lot more oxygen because you were having a hard time breathing.  They are watching you closely so it doesn't turn into pneumonia.  At the next care time the respiratory therapist taught Mommy how to do the vibrations so now I can help too! 

Getting Vibratory Therapy on your lungs
Look who is officially 5 lbs now!!!

I spent some time holding you today until you wouldn't stay still. 
You kept getting feisty and kicking my stitches.
Don't you know you're supposed to be gentle?

Apparently you really wanted to extubate yourself. 
Your hand was gripping the neobar.

 I finally had some time to use my skills that I learned
while on bedrest! Your brothers and sister are with G&G Weide
so Mommy can rest from her hernia surgery - this allowed me to
find time to put my feet up and crochet these.  Hope they fit you soon! 
Hope your PICC line comes out soon so you can wear hats again!

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