Thursday, September 19, 2013

A mother's intuition

Snuggle time with Daddy!

Again, a mothers intuition seems to know what needed to be done a couple days before it actually happened.  Joshua had been having a lot of desats.  A Desat is where his oxygen level goes too low for some reason - breathing or stress related and alarms go off.  If he gets it up on his own quickly then it isn't a big deal, but these were many seconds long and quite frequent.  Yesterday they upped the pressure on his vent which seemed to help and the desats were much less frequent.  However they started up again when Joe was kangarooing.  Stable O2 levels are usually a benefit of holding micro-preemies, but not today.  Finally, after an hour of holding him with many alarms going off Joe had had enough.  The nurse speculated that it could be caused by the "play" (space & movement) in his neobar (the bar across his mouth holding his respirator tube in place)  She had a respiratory therapist come in and change it out...guess what...he was MUCH better after that.  Thank you nurse Laura for noticing this!  Two days ago I mentioned that the bar didn't look right to me...I didn't know how it would/could effect him, but I knew it wasn't placed properly since the reintubation.  I thought it looked too far from his mouth, too much movement in and out as well as bendy across his cheeks.  That nurse told me that play is fine and won't effect him.  Seems she was wrong and I was right.

Other than that it was a calm day.  He is back on milk feeds as of last night.  They had to stop one feed because there saw old blood in his stomach.  They suck out the contents of his stomach before each feeding to see how things are digesting.  Since the blood was not there at the next feed time they restarted feeds.  They speculate the old blood is either from irritation of the stomach lining from the feed tube or from injury when he was reintubated and possibly swallowed some blood. 

Other tests from Tuesday are still fine.  He'll be treated for the yeast they found in his urine.  The 17-hydroxyprogesterone came back slightly lower so that is less of a concern although they are still going to check with endocrine Drs and follow-up later.

Daddy wanted a photo of your super hairy back!

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