Friday, September 20, 2013

I miss you

Daddy got to visit Joshua for a bit and hold him today, but I didn't get time to go in.  I miss you, Joshua.  I wish I could have seen you today.  This coming week is going to be another hard week with no one in town to help with the kids.  And we'll have to make sure we're over our bug before we ask anyone to help us out.  Joe is still doing half days in the office. 

Today you started 2mL feeds and you've done well with them so far.  When they go to suck out the contents of your stomach before each feed, you have digested it all and there is no residual!  Keep it up little boy!  You've had a stool too!  Great job!

This is the first day of your life that we did not get any photos either.  Mommy is disappointed.

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