Saturday, September 28, 2013

What a stinker!

Here's my update from Facebook:
Joshua decided he didn't want his breathing tube in this morning. He got his hand behind the neobar holding it in place and pushed it out! Thankfully his nurse was in the room and able to bag him quickly and give him manual breaths before his O2 levels and heart rate fell too much. So they had to reintubate Joshua yet again; the nurse said he handled it pretty well though. What a stinker!

And here is what some people said:
Jessica E - I think that sort of feistiness is going to serve him well!
Brian K - A guy who knows what he wants!! That's the spirit!!!
Sarah H - Sounds like you have a little man who knows how to get what he wants! So glad the nurse was right there

You with your new tube and neobar. 

My cousin Mark visited you today


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