Monday, September 16, 2013

My first post!

I've gone back and forth about writing a blog about Joshua's journey.  Finally I'm deciding to give it a try.  One worry is that I won't have enough time to update it as thoroughly as I'd like.  This blog also totally goes against my personality of being a very private person.  I want the blog to be an accurate reflection of my day to day thoughts and accounts of Joshua's day and this will be more private than I'd really like to put on the web, but for sake of having this documented later on in life, I want to give it a try.  I pray that someday we will look back on this blog and see God's hand and his faithfulness to our family.  I pray that someday Joshua will be able to read this blog for himself and understand the love that his family and others have for him...and most importantly the love God has for him.  No matter what happens to Joshua, whether the Lord sees fit to take him early to heaven, whether he spends his days incapacitated in a wheelchair, whether he has to live with some other physical or mental disability, or whether God chooses to fully heal his mind and body and allows Joshua to live a full matter how difficult it may be, I will make a choice to praise my Savior and my God.  I wish I knew what the future held for our family, for Joshua.  It is so hard to wonder and wait.  I am very weary, very worn out from this journey already and we have such a long road ahead.  Thank you for praying alongside of us.  May God be glorified in our family's journey.

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