Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pastor Paul's visit

Mommy and Daddy asked Pastor Paul to come and visit you before he retires next week.  Pastor Eric came to see you too, but that was last Tuesday - the day of all your kidney problems, so that visit was a lot more stressful just because of the day.

Pastor Paul was so thoughtful and caring in his words.  He spoke of you running in the yard with your brothers and sister someday.  I pray that is true!  We talked more about our decision about baptism.  He said he would not rush to your bedside in the middle of the night it you were dying for your sake.  You are already in the Lord's hands; the Lord has a place for you in heaven if you were to pass away too early.  But he would rush to the bedside for Mommy and Daddy to comfort us and to baptize you if we feel comforted by that.  He quoted Martin Luther saying, "It is not the absence of baptism that condemns but the avoidance of it."  Mommy and Daddy really appreciated his words and we will be talking and praying more about your baptism in the days to come.  We prayed over you, holding hands in a circle with Mommy and Daddy completing the circle by laying our hand on you.  There are so many struggles you face Joshua, I pray that our Lord strengthens you to fight these battles and that you come out on the other side alive and thriving.  Many, many people are praying for you little boy!

You had another head ultrasound today - we won't know the results till tomorrow.

You always like your hands by your face,
you like to mess with your tubes too.

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