Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy 1 month Birthday!

Happy Birthday little boy!!!  It is hard to believe it has been one feels so short of a time, but it feels so long because of our exhaustion!  Mommy and Daddy have been burning the candle at both ends and not been getting much sleep.  Mommy really has no concept of time anymore.  It seems like it still should be summer to me since I totally missed the last 3 weeks of August while in the hospital and then been in a fog ever since.  We are just in survival mode now - going day to day - not thinking or planning more than a day or two ahead.  It is taking its toll on all of us.

You have given us a good calm day for your birthday.  Your vent settings are down as low as 28% O2 which is really low for you recently!  Right now you are a 35 bpm, 22 pres. in, 8 peep, 33% O2.  Daddy is holding you and he changed your diaper today too.  You gave him a big poop after he had just changed out the dirty one.  Today you were moved up to 8mL feeds and are still doing well.  Thank you Lord that Joshua's intestines seem to have healed and are still tolerating milk well!  We're making progress on up to 18mL...tomorrow you should be halfway!  Next week though they will probably have to stop feeds with the surgery though.  We met a new doctor today - Dr. Goldberg.  He said he thinks they counted your course of anti-fungals wrong and you should be done with them on Monday which would mean surgery earlier in the week.  We are still praying for that valve to close though without the surgery.

Two new babies were transported to the unit today at the same time.  It made mommy a little emotional thinking of the day you were transported.  There is so much hustle and bustle with many nurses and doctors around and the 3 people from the transport team.  I had never seen the commotion of a new baby in the unit before.  During your transport, I was so scared for you; everything was so new and you were so little and fragile.  And I was back at the hospital just wondering and praying for you. 

Your new next door neighbor only weighed 400g at birth two days ago.  The baby's head looks smaller than the size of a baseball.   I watched them a little bit through the window in your room.   It makes me so thankful that at least time has passed and we are able to understand things better than about 1 mo ago.  We know what all the beeps mean.  We are braver talking with doctors and nurses.  I am brave enough to change your diaper, to do your eye care, and your mouth care.  We are able to touch you and hold you.  We have a little more consistency with our nurses.  You can open your eyes now!  Your skin is more pink than purple.  And we are one month closer to hopefully bring you home someday.

Funny grimaces!

Mommy and Daddy holding you tight

Happy Birthday!

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