Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I can't find any words...

Today was an awful day. The new "worst day" since we've been here.  The concerns about Joshua's PDA, kidneys, and no urine for 8 hours caused many, many tests and procedures to be done.  They stopped all his milk feeds and gave me the impression his kidneys were failing.

My mommy intuition screamed HE's DeHYDRATED!  You cut back on fluids and give him diuretics for his PDA...what do you think will happen?!  I had questioned the nurse last night thinking that this would be the case as Joshua passed stool "plugs"  Why do you think he's plugged up?!?  duh!  And now guess what...they have to give him tons more fluids & more blood.  He's getting so bloated, but guess what, he's pee'd.  I feel like if they had just listened last night we could have avoided this mess...MODERATION people!  I know I am no doctor and there is a lot more numbers and other sides to the story, but take a look at the logical treatment before you jump so far ahead.  They say they have to start treating infections, yeast, or metabolic imbalances just in case or it may be too late, but part of me feels like this is all so unnecessary.  They should have tried fluids first. 

Look at Joshua last night in the photos he looks wrinkly, shriveled up.  I guess we'll find out more as all of the tests come back but so far they haven't found anything too concerning.  The only thing was yeast in the bladder which could possibly be from sticking the dumb catheter in him.  Of all things to find this just made me furious because that was why I had to deliver when I did.  I believe it was a resident who did not do a sterile exam and caused my infection.  That's part of the reason we're in this awful mess.

 I just held Joshua's hand when I was able to with all of the poking and prodding today; there was no kangaroo time.  He needed his rest because they kept interrupting it with ultrasounds, x-rays, IVs, arterial lines (with arm-board), blood gasses, nurse cares, NNP checks, Dr checks, etc.  Just a lot of worry and stress.  I tried to comfort him as best I could.  I love you little Joshua.  I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Comforting my tiny little boy

[Pastor Eric came to visit today]

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