Friday, October 11, 2013

Finally - the best medicine!

So yesterday I kept asking to hold you.  It made so much sense to me.  Reposition you, get you off your incision, onto your belly, on your Mommy, feeling comforted, receiving snuggles to help the pain feel better.  Yes, the transition may be hard, but the benefits after would be healing.  Why couldn't they see it as I saw it, but finally the evening nurse said yes!  We got Evy to help with the transition since she's so good with you.  They gave you a bolus of fentanyl and the transition went great!  Your sats stayed in the 90s-100 and Mommy felt SO happy.  You just wanted me.  No grimacing, no crying, just resting together on my chest.  It felt WONDERFUL!  It went so well the nurse said to hold you as long as I wanted.  You only dropped you oxygen twice the whole 5 hours!  I left the hospital last night feeling so happy and hopeful. 

YAY!  Mommy is getting to hold you!
Looking at your bandage from surgery

Always keeping an eye on the monitors -
nervous they will make me put you back

Look at those great stats!  100% saturation!

Sleeping together!


Joshua signing, "I love you mom!"
So I went home to pump and get things to stay the night.  I came back to a new nurse whom we'd never had, and my hopes of another magical kangaroo experience did not happen.  This nurse made me frustrated and just the fact that he was new to us was frustrating.  I did get to hold you - for another 4 hours, but it was very interrupted, we hardly got to rest, and you didn't fair as well with your oxygen sats.  BUT I need to think of the positives; I still got to hold you and I hope it was good, healing medicine.  I need to be thankful for that even if it wasn't the best experience. 
I had a few words with the charge nurse in the morning to state my plea for consistency in staffing.  We are definitely getting a reputation;  I've been a squeaky wheel several times while advocating for you and your care. 

[Tiffany visited Thursday night]

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