Monday, October 14, 2013

How to Kangaroo

Step 1 - Change into robe, hoodie or other button down shirt
Step 2 - Move recliner chair up to the isolette
Step 3 - Call in another nurse to help (some experienced nurses skip this step)
Step 4 - Undress baby
Step 5 - Raise the roof on the isolette
Step 6 - One nurse hold ventilator tubing, the other nurse holds all the wires and you get ready to pick up baby
Step 7 - Pick up baby and put him to your chest while nurse one quickly unhooks the vent, brings it around the IV pole and quickly resnaps the vent together hopefully before he desats.  PHEW - this is stressful!
Step 8 - Sit down in the chair
Step 9 - Recline and get situated
Step 10 - Nurses tape down wires and tubes
Step 11 - Get heated blankets to wrap around baby
Step  12 - Snuggle in for the long least one hour.  Don't move, sneeze, or slouch down for the risk of baby drifting or desatting or bradying.  Make sure your elbow isn't bent too tightly or else your hand/arm definitely will fall asleep.  Make sure you have some kind of lumbar support or you will have an awful backache when you are done.  Certainly don't get the urge to pee because you won't be getting up for a while.  If you start to fall asleep don't jerk awake or you probably will cause alarms to go off since you have startled the baby too.  Keep an eye on your baby's hand to make sure they aren't tugging that their tube trying to extubate or vagal themselves.  Make sure he doesn't try to lift and turn his head trying to smash his face on your chest.
Step 13 - Enjoy the snuggles, sing to your baby, pray for your baby, talk to your baby.  Enjoy feeling his soft touches as he moves his tiny hands on your skin.  Treasure his kicks on your belly that you missed during your pregnancy.  Memorize his smell and give him kisses atop his head.  Feel his soft skin and hair on your lips.  Hold him as close to your heart as you can so he can feel your love because soon you will have to say goodbye yet again.

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