Saturday, October 26, 2013

SiPap Take 2

We got in today and heard some big news!  They are going to try you on SiPap today.  (Your first try with SiPap was about a month and a half ago)  We were so glad we were able to be there with you.  Thankful for another God moment.  We did not have anyone to watch your sibs today and I put a request out on Facebook.  At 10:00pm last night Daddy's friend from college (whom we hadn't talked to in a few years) offered to come to the house with his family to watch the kids so we could come in and see you.  So Abby, David, and Jeremiah had new friends to play with and we got to be there for your big day. 

Daddy kangaroo'd you to set you up for your best possible extubation.  Your sats were great.  First they put the "helmet" and nasal prongs on you to test if you'd tolerate the weird new contraption on your head.  Then after 30 minutes the NNP came in to extubate you. 

Getting you situated to kangaroo

Keeping you warm in Mommy's robe
Doing great on your vent settings...ready to come off!!!

Hopefully your last suction on the vent...
while Daddy helped contain you.

Last time we'll see your face for a while

No time for yawns - you have some hard work to do very soon!

Fitting the Si-Pap straps on your head

With the Si-Pap machine attached, but you still have the vent in.
Testing it out to see if you'll tolerate the nasal prongs.

You did well according to our nurse Nikki.  She said it went smoothly compared to other kids.  All you have to do now is figure out how to breathe with this new pressure and set-up.  Mommy and Daddy stayed in the room the whole time to see the extubation and put our hand on you and give you a pep talk after the NNP, respiratory therapist and Nikki were done.  We really want you to succeed on this 2nd trial of SiPap.  Your lungs need to start breathing without all of that forced pressure of the ventilator.  They won't let us hold you for a while until you get it figured out and show success...or don't figure it out and need to be re-intubated.
It looks so uncomfortable :( 

called in at 7pm - you had been doing great, but after the 6pm feed you are desatting and bradying.  She thinks it is because your belly can't vent while the milk is going in and you are getting too much air in your tummy.  Hopefully they can figure something out before they decide to reintubate you!

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